We save Masternode Coins
Suggest a coin
And vote for them!
Registered Masternode owners can suggest the next coin and vote for suggested coins!
About us
We make sure that your coin get back profitable!
We sell the rewards of Coin A and buy Coin B with them. Then, we sell the rewards of Coin B and buy Coin A. At a certain point, we have so many coins in these wallets that we can buy more coins than what is available on the market. This allows us to slowly stabilize and increase the price, making this a long-term plan.
Our Buybacks
Our Services
We offer: save your favorite coin

Why Choose Us
Hold more
Every masternode holder of one of our coins can propose additional coins and vote. You can vote by sending votes 1 coin = 1 vote! You can vote as many times as you want! At the end of the month, the coin with the most votes will be included in our program. The coins sent will be used to start the savings program for this coin!